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Contact Policies, Public Records, Publications & Subpoenas

See the main Contact Us webpage for other Department contacts.


Name & Email Phone Number
Scott Russell , Assistant Secretary – Employee & Business Support Services Administration (360) 725-8840
Billie Peterson , Policy Program Manager (360) 338-5142

Public Records

Name & Email Phone Number
Records Requests General Questions
For general questions about public records requests.
(360) 725-8673
Public Records Officer , Denise Vaughan
See the Washington State Registrar for a list of all Washington state agency Public Records Officers.

Rule Making

Name & Email Phone Number
Vadim Chebotar , Rules Coordinator (253) 261-1465

Statewide Publications

Name & Email Phone Number
DOC Publications  

Subpoenas & Court Orders for Documentation

Name & Email Phone Number
DOC Subpoenas