Department Forms
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Forms are official Department documents. Below is a list of available forms.
To search this list for a specific form, use CTRL and F on your keyboard and type in your search text.
- 01 Series Forms
- 02 Series Forms
- 03 Series Forms
- 05 Series Forms
- 06 Series Forms
- 07 Series Forms
- 09 Series Forms
- 10 Series Forms
- 11 Series Forms
- 13 Series Forms
- 14 Series Forms
- 16 Series Forms
- 17 Series Forms
- 19 Series Forms
- 20 Series Forms
- 21 Series Forms
- Forms in Spanish/Formularios y español
01 Series Forms
- DOC 01-008 Agency Denial/Exemption Log (pdf) (Rev. 03/11/2022)
- DOC 01-009 Central File Archive Checklist (pdf) (Rev. 12/17/2021)
- DOC 01-010 Audit Checklist - Central File (pdf) (Rev. 03/17/2022)
02 Series Forms
- DOC 02-001 Cell Phone Agreement (pdf) (Rev. 05/16/2022)
- DOC 02-022 Partial Confinement Mileage Log (pdf) (Rev. 08/09/2023)
- DOC 02-024 Employer Vehicle Use Authorization (pdf) (Rev. 08/09/2023)
- DOC 02-025 Sex Offender Treatment and Assessment Programs Limits of Confidentiality (pdf) (Rev. 07/22/2022)
- DOC 02-027 Virtual/Telephonic Hearing Request (ms word) (Rev. 10/06/2022)
- DOC 02-029 Virtual Hearing Acknowledgement/Waiver (pdf) (Rev. 10/06/2022)
- DOC 02-187 Individual Reentry Plan (pdf) (Rev. 09/23/2022)
- DOC 02-195 Victim/Survivor Dialogue Meeting Application (pdf) (Rev. 07/20/2021)
- DOC 02-243 Notice of Continued Obligations/Restrictions (pdf) (Rev. 10/14/2021)
- DOC 02-243ES Aviso de Continuación de Obligaciones/Restricciones (pdf) (Rev. 10/14/2021)
- DOC 02-247 Law Library Request for Priority Access (pdf) (Rev. 11/05/2020)
- DOC 02-265 – Community Compensation Program Member Acknowledgement form (pdf) (Rev. 3/30/2023)
- DOC 02-266 – Community Compensation Program Application form (pdf) (Rev. 3/30/2023)
- DOC 02-267 – Community Member Compensation Request form (pdf) (Rev. 3/30/2023)
- DOC 02-322 Receipt of Handbook (msword) (Rev. 9/27/2024)
- DOC 02-322ES Recepcion del Manual (msword) (Rev. 9/27/2024)
- DOC 02-330 Sex Offender Treatment and Assessment Programs Informed Consent for Prison Treatment (pdf) (Rev. 07/22/2022)
- DOC 02-335 Acknowledgment of Receipt of Identification/Social Security Card (msword) (Rev. 06/13/2024)
- DOC 02-336 Reentry Housing Assistance Program Application (msword) (Rev. 1/22/2025)
- DOC 02-353 Electronic Monitoring Contract (pdf) (Rev. 01/17/2024)
- DOC 02-354 Care and Use of Radio Frequency Equipment (pdf) (Rev. 06/10/2021)
- DOC 02-361 Partial Confinement Conditions (msword) (Rev. 07/03/2024)
- DOC 02-361S Condiciones de Confinamiento Parcial (msword) (Rev. 07/03/2024)
- DOC 02-363 DCYF – Authorization for Release of Information (pdf) (Rev. 08/27/2020)
- DOC 02-364 Daily Itinerary – Community Parenting Alternative (pdf) (Rev. 09/18/2020)
- DOC 02-365 Family and Offender Sentencing Alternative Job Search Log (pdf) (Rev. 01/12/2022)
- DOC 02-368 Home Visitor Log (pdf) (Rev. 12/03/2021)
- DOC 02-368ES Registro de Visitas al Domicilio (pdf) (Rev. 12/03/2021)
- DOC 02-369 Search Waiver (pdf) (Rev. 06/16/2022)
- DOC 02-369ES Renuncia a Los Derechos de Registro (pdf) (Rev. 06/16/2022)
- DOC 02-371 Personal Vehicle Use Authorization (pdf) (Rev. 10/10/2023)
- DOC 02-371ES Autorizacion Para Uso de Un Vehiculo Personal (pdf) (Rev. 10/10/2023)
- DOC 02-374 Personal Property Disposal (msword) (Rev. 6/19/2024)
- DOC 02-374ES Disposición de Propiedad Personal (msword) (Rev. 6/19/2024)
- DOC 02-384 Housing Protocol for Transgender, Intersex, and Non-binary Individuals (pdf) (Rev. 9/14/2023)
- DOC 02-385 Housing Protocol for Transgender, Intersex, and Non-binary Individuals (pdf) (Rev. 9/14/2023)
- DOC 02-391 Veterans Unit Application (pdf) (Rev. 09/27/2023)
- DOC 02-394 Facilitator Dialogue Meeting Application (pdf) (Rev. 07/20/2021)
- DOC 02-395 Accountability Letter Bank - Request to Participate (msword) (Rev. 12/11/2024)
- DOC 02-398 Transport Bag Inventory (pdf) (Rev. 12/06/2019)
- DOC 02-399 Interstate Compact Notice of Probable Cause Hearing, Rights, and Waiver (pdf) (Rev. 12/20/2021)
- DOC 02-400 Notice of PREA Investigation Findings (pdf) (Rev. 04/19/2022)
- DOC 02-401 Juvenile Board Declaration of Intent (pdf) (Rev. 07/28/2020)
- DOC 02-402 Sex Offender Treatment and Assessment Programs Informed Consent for Community Treatment (pdf) (Rev. 07/22/2022)
- DOC 02-406 Sex Offender Treatment and Assessment Programs Release of Confidential Information (pdf) (Rev. 07/22/2022)
- DOC 02-407 Statement to the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board (pdf) (Rev. 12/13/2019)
- DOC 02-409 Reentry Goals - Community Parenting Alternative (pdf) (Rev. 11/20/2020)
- DOC 02-410 Community Parenting Alternative Screening (msword) (Rev. 6/19/2024)
- DOC 02-413 Notice Future Supervision (pdf) (Rev. 10/14/2021)
- DOC 02-413ES Aviso de Futura Supervision (pdf) (Rev. 10/14/2021)
- DOC 02-420 Preferences Request (pdf) (Rev. 01/31/2024)
- DOC 02-420ES Solicitud De Preferencias (pdf) (Rev. 01/31/2024)
- DOC 02-422 Transgender, Intersex, and Non-binary Housing Multi-Disciplinary Team (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2023)
03 Series Forms
- DOC 03-031 Criminal Disclosure (pdf) (Rev. 03/04/2022))
- DOC 03-039 Report of Contact/Relationship(ms word) (Rev. 3/20/2024)
- DOC 03-151 Hazard Report (pdf) (Rev. 02/11/2022)
- DOC 03-161 Volunteer Safety Orientation Information (pdf) (Rev. 02/11/2022)
- DOC 03-421 Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement (pdf) (Rev. 03/22/2022)
- DOC 03-440 Volunteer Application and Registration (pdf) (Rev. 03/22/2022)
- DOC 03-441 Volunteer Orientation Checklist (pdf) (Rev. 03/22/2022)
- DOC 03-443 Non-Department Personnel Acknowledgment for Off-Site Work Crews (pdf) (Rev. 02/02/2022)
- DOC 03-472A Confined Space Entry Site-Specific Training - Incarcerated Worker (pdf) (Rev. 02/03/2021)
- DOC 03-478 PREA Acknowledgement (pdf) (Rev. 04/19/2022)
- DOC 03-484 Interview Acknowledgment (pdf) (Rev. 11/8/2023)
- DOC 03-506 Sexual Misconduct and Institutional Employment/Service Disclosure (msword) (Rev. 03/04/2022)
- DOC 03-523 PREA Disclosure and Training Acknowledgement for Volunteers (pdf) (Rev. 04/19/2022)
05 Series Forms
- DOC 05-047 Project Request Application (Rev. 09/2020)
- DOC 05-062 Property (pdf) (Rev. 05/22/2023)
- DOC 05-062S Propiedad Del Interno/Interna (pdf) (Rev. 05/22/2023)
- DOC 05-066 Public Records Request(ms word) (Rev. 4/1/2024)
- DOC 05-066ES Solicitud de Registros Publicos
(Rev. 03/11/2022)
- DOC 05-092 Administrative Segregation Review (pdf) (Rev. 03/06/2020)
- DOC 05-093 Disciplinary Hearing Notice/Appearance Waiver (pdf) (Rev.02/22/2023)
- DOC 05-094 Witness Statement (pdf) (Rev. 02/22/2023)
- DOC 05-094ES Declaracion De Testigo
(Rev. 02/22/2023)
- DOC 05-094ES Declaracion De Testigo
- DOC 05-113ES Request for Interpreter - E/S (Solicitud Para Servicio De Intérprete) (pdf) (Rev. 03/06/2020)
- DOC 05-121ES Request for Department Advisor - E/S (Solicitud Para Un Asesor Del Departamento) (pdf) (Rev. 03/06/2020)
- DOC 05-165 Resolution Request (msword) (Rev. 08/08/2024)
- DOC 05-165S Solicitud de Resolución (pdf) (Rev. 08/08/2024)
- DOC 05-370 Request for Criminal History Record Information WASIS/NCIC III Check NCIC/WACIC Check (msword) (Rev. 03/07/2024)
- DOC 05-512 Partial Confinement Orientation Checklist (pdf) (Rev. 11/6/2024)
- DOC 05-666ES Request for Interpretation/Translation by an Incarcerated Individual - E/S (Solicitud de Interpretacion/Traduccion de Un Individual Encarcelado) (pdf) (Rev. 08/04/2020)
- DOC 05-673 Escorted Leave Reimbursement Request (pdf) (Rev. 08/05/2020)
- DOC 05-685 Rules for Contact with Victims or Minors (pdf) (Rev. 02/20/2020)
- DOC 05-686 Chaperone/Supervisor of Contact Agreement of Responsibilities (pdf) (Rev. 11/04/2020)
- DOC 05-688 Chaperone/Supervisor of Contact Requirements (pdf) (Rev. 02/20/2020)
- DOC 05-688S Requisitos Del Acompañante/Supervisor De Contacto (pdf) (Rev. 03/02/2021)
- DOC 05-698 Affidavit for Disposition of Personal Property (pdf) (Rev. 04/05/2022)
- DOC 05-702 Contact/Safety Plan (pdf) (Rev. 02/20/2020)
- DOC 05-702ES Plan de Contacto/Seguridad (pdf) (Rev. 03/02/2021)
- DOC 05-703 Termination of Contact with Minors Appeal (pdf) (Rev. 02/20/2020)
- DOC 05-753 Polygraph Examination - Authorization for Release of Information (pdf) (Rev. 01/25/2021)
- DOC 05-764 Work Crew Expectations Declaration (msword) (Rev. 6/19/2024)
- DOC 05-764ES Declaracion De Expectativas De Cuadrilla (msword) (Rev. 6/19/2024)
- DOC 05-780 Global Positioning System Rules (pdf) (Rev. 01/17/2024)
- DOC 05-781 Internet Access Rules (pdf) (Rev. 11/03/2022)
- DOC 05-793 Funeral Trip/Deathbed Visit Worksheet and Checklist (pdf) (Rev. 08/05/2020)
- DOC 05-831 Attorney Representation - Consent for Release of Information (pdf) (Rev.05/16/2023)
06 Series Forms
- DOC 06-003 Lodging and Transportation Reimbursement Application (pdf) (Rev. 3/19/2024)
- DOC 06-014 Multiple Incarcerated Individual Funding Request(ms word) (Rev. 6/6/2024)
- DOC 06-065 Cost of Supervision Refund Address Verification (pdf) (Rev. 10/8/2024)
- DOC 06-070 Mandatory Savings Account Exemption (pdf) (Rev. 3/3/2020)
- DOC 06-071 Mandatory Savings Account Access (ms word) (Rev. 6/6/2024)
- DOC 06-071ES Acceso Obligatorio A La Cuenta De Ahorros (ms word) (Rev. 6/6/2024)
- DOC 06-073 Request for Advance and Promissory Note (pdf) (Rev. 02/11/2022)
- DOC 06-073ES Solicitud De Anticipo Y Pagaré (pdf) (Rev. 02/10/2022)
- DOC 06-074 Check Request (pdf) (Rev. 10/12/2023)
- DOC 06-074H Check Request (half sheet) (pdf) (Rev. 10/12/2023)
- DOC 06-075ES Request to Transfer Funds - E/S (Peticion Para Transferencia De Fondos) (pdf) (Rev. 10/06/2022)
- DOC 06-076 Education Subaccount Withdrawal Request(pdf) (Rev. 3/3/2020)
- DOC 06-077 Request to Reissue/Cancel Check(ms word) (Rev. 6/6/2024)
- DOC 06-080 Deposit Rejection Notice(ms word) (Rev. 6/6/2024)
- DOC 06-081 Compassion Transfer Expense (pdf) (Rev. 2/7/2022)
07 Series Forms
- DOC 07-011 Request for Information Regarding Tribal Deposits(ms word) (Rev. 6/6/2024)
- DOC 07-024 Conditions, Requirements, and Instructions (pdf) (Rev. 02/22/2023)
- DOC 07-024ES Conditions, Requirements, and Instructions - E/S (Condiciones, Requisitos, E Instrucciones) (pdf) (Rev. 02/22/2023)
- DOC 07-025 Chaperone Orientation Certificate (pdf) (Rev. 01/17/2024)
- DOC 07-033 Prohibited Contact Definitions (pdf) (Rev. 01/17/2024)
- DOC 07-035 Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative Compliance Review (pdf) (Rev. 01/14/2022)
- DOC 07-037 Classification Appeal (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2023)
- DOC 07-037ES Apelacion De Clasificacion (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2023)
- DOC 07-040 Application for Advance Notification and Victim Services (Rev. 07/2019)
- DOC 07-043 Trip Proposal (pdf) (Rev. 01/17/2024)
- DOC 07-043A Accommodated Trip Proposal (pdf) (Rev. 01/17/2024)
- DOC 07-046 Community Contact/Chaperone Proposal (pdf) (Rev. 01/17/2024)
- DOC 07-046ES Propuesta de Contacto Comunitario/Acompañante (pdf) (Rev. 01/17/2024)
- DOC 07-053 Release/Transfer Needs Survey (pdf) (Rev. 09/23/2022)
- DOC 07-054 Acknowledgment of Community Custody Supervision Compliance Credit (SCC) (pdf) (Rev. 02/29/2024)
09 Series Forms
- DOC 09-012ES Request for Unclaimed Property - E/S (Solicitud De Propiedad No Reclamada) (ms word) (Rev. 6/6/2024)
- DOC 09-052 Miranda Warning Waiver (pdf) (Rev. 09/26/2019)
- DOC 09-052ES Renuncia a La Advertencia Miranda (pdf) (Rev. 09/26/2019)
- DOC 09-065ES Notice of Significant Legal Document - E/S (Notificacion de un Documento Significativo Legal) (pdf) (Rev. 08/04/2020)
- DOC 09-164 Responsibilities of Furlough Sponsors (pdf) (Rev. 08/05/2020)
- DOC 09-227 Deferred Decision Waiver (pdf) (Rev. 08/03/2021)
- DOC 09-230 Partial Confinement Notice of Allegations, Hearing, Rights, and Waiver (msword) (Rev. 6/19/2024)
- DOC 09-231 Notice of Allegations, Hearing, Rights, and Waiver (pdf) (Rev. 08/03/2021)
- DOC 09-242 General Authorization for Release of Information (pdf) (Rev. 02/20/2020)
- DOC 09-274 Notification of Department Violation Process (pdf) (Rev. 09/28/2021)
- DOC 09-275 Appeal of Department Violation Process (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2023)
- DOC 09-275ES Apelacion al Proceso de Infraccion del Departamento (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2023)
- DOC 09-288 Board - Petition for Review (pdf) (Rev. 07/28/2020)
- DOC 09-302 Final Discharge Request (Rev. 08/2018)
- DOC 09-304 Board - Rights and Privileges for Parole/Community Custody Violation/Revocation Hearings (Rev. 10/20/2021)
- DOC 09-307 Board - Request for Appointment of Attorney (Rev. 10/20/2021)
- DOC 09-308 Board - Supplement (Rev. 10/20/2021)
- DOC 09-485 Authorization for Release of Custodial Information (pdf) (Rev. 10/31/2022)
10 Series Forms
- DOC 10-031 Correctional Industries Application for Work Programs (pdf) (Rev. 10/06/2023)
- DOC 10-114 Correctional Industries Work Program Recommendation Referral (pdf) (Rev. 06/21/2023)
- DOC 10-116 Job Specialty Training Record (pdf) (Rev. 02/11/2022)
- DOC 10-117 Safety Orientation Worksheet (pdf) (Rev. 02/11/2022)
- DOC 10-118 Shop Rules and Requirements (pdf) (Rev. 02/11/2022)
- DOC 10-120 Incident Camp Summary Report (pdf) (Rev. 06/19/2024)
- DOC 10-122 Tool/Equipment/Process Specialty Training Outline (pdf) (Rev. 02/11/2022)
11 Series Forms
- DOC 11-012 Release/Transfer Sponsor Orientation Checklist (pdf) (Rev. 06/16/2022)
- DOC 11-012S Liberación/Transferencia Lista de Control de Orientación Del Patrocinador (pdf) (Rev. 06/16/2022)
- DOC 11-025 Graduated Reentry Job Search Log (pdf) (Rev. 11/20/2020)
- DOC 11-025S Reingreso Graduado Registro de Busqueda de Empleo (pdf) (Rev. 11/20/2020)
- DOC 11-039 Graduated Reentry Criteria (pdf) (Rev. 06/29/2022)
- DOC 11-045 Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative Informed Consent (pdf) (Rev. 09/21/2021)
- DOC 11-046 Mental Health Sentencing Alternative Agreement (pdf) (Rev. 02/23/2022)
- DOC 11-050 Emergency Caregiver Agreement (pdf) (Rev. 11/20/2020)
- DOC 11-050ES Acuerdo De Guardian De Emergencia (pdf) (Rev. 11/20/2020)
- DOC 11-065 Graduated Reentry Participant Agreement (pdf) (Rev. 06/16/2022)
- DOC 11-065S Reingreso Graduado Acuerdo Del Participante (pdf) (Rev. 06/16/2022)
- DOC 11-080 Social Media and Electronic Device Monitoring Agreement (pdf) (Rev. 03/04/2022)
13 Series Forms
- DOC 13-035 Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information (pdf) (Rev. 03/13/2023)
- DOC 13-035S Autorizacion Para Revelar Informacion Sobre La Salud (pdf) (Rev. 03/13/2023)
- DOC 13-159 Request for Health Information (pdf) (Rev. 11/07/2022)
- DOC 13-392 Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (pdf) (Rev. 3/26/2019)
- DOC 13-423 Health Services Kite (pdf) (Rev. 1/13/2022)
- DOC 13-423S “Kite” Para Servicios De Salud (pdf) (Rev. 1/13/2022)
- DOC 13-460ES Patient Request for Outside Health Services (pdf) (Rev. 4/25/2023)
- DOC 13-463 Patient-Paid Healthcare Hospital Information (pdf) (Rev. 4/25/2023)
- DOC 13-471 Self-Wellness Check (pdf) (Rev. 03/10/2020)
- DOC 13-471 ES Autoevaluación de Bienestar (pdf) (Rev. 03/10/2020)
- DOC 13-472 Patient-Paid Durable Medical Equipment (DME) (pdf) (Rev. 4/25/2023)
- DOC 13-472 ES Equipo Medico Duradero Pagado por el Paciente (pdf) (Rev. 4/25/2023)
- DOC 13-507 Health Records Request Continuity of Care (pdf) (Rev. 3/27/2019)
- DOC 13-521 Consent for Hormone Treatment for Gender Dysphoria and/or Transgender Identification (pdf) (Rev. 1/11/2021)
- DOC 13-578 Patient Appeal of Care Review Committee Decision (pdf) (Rev. 01/09/2020)
- DOC 13-584 Patient Appeal of Accomodation Review Committee Decision (pdf) (Rev. 6/23/2021)
14 Series Forms
- DOC 14-002ES Acknowledgment of Drug/Alcohol Testing - Total/Partial Confinement (pdf) (Rev. 7/20/2021)
- DOC 14-003 Confidentiality Statement (pdf) (Rev. 3/13/2024)
- DOC 14-021 Admission of Drug/Alcohol Use/Possession(ms word) (Rev. 4/8/2024)
- DOC 14-035 Acknowledgment of Drug/Alcohol Testing – Field (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2023)
- DOC 14-035A Less Restrictive Alternative Drug/Alcohol Testing Acknowledgment (pdf) (Rev. 07/11/2022)
- DOC 14-039 Substance Use Disorder Treatment Participation Requirements (msword) (Rev. 10/25/2022)
- DOC 14-042 Prison Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative Agreement (msword) (Rev. 07/26/2024)
- DOC 14-049 Boarder Health History Screening (pdf) (Rev. 10/14/2020)
- DOC 14-053 Use of Medical Cannabis Verification (pdf) (Rev. 02/24/2023)
- DOC 14-055 Suitability for Medical Cannabis Use (pdf) (Rev. 02/24/2023)
- DOC 14-148 Extraordinary Medical Placement Referral (pdf) (Rev. 04/14/2021)
- DOC 14-172 Substance Abuse Recovery Unit Compound Release of Confidential Information
- DOC 14-172 Substance Abuse Recovery Unit Compound Release of Confidential Information (msword) (Rev. 9/03/2024)
- DOC 14-172ES Complejo de La Unidad de Recuperación de Abuso de Sustancias Divulgacion de Informacion Confidencial (msword) (Rev. 9/03/2024)
- DOC 14-179 Residential Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative Examination Report (ms word) (Rev. 3/4/2022)
- DOC 14-204 Request for Laboratory Confirmation (ms word) (Rev. 4/4/2024)
- DOC 14-213 Visitor Medication and Durable Medical Equipment(ms word) (Rev. 3/20/2024)
16 Series Forms
- DOC 16-347 Monthly Safety and Sanitation Inspection (pdf) (Rev. 02/11/2022)
- DOC 16-348 Quarterly Safety and Sanitation Inspection (pdf) (Rev. 02/11/2022)
- DOC 16-348HQ Headquarters Quarterly Safety and Sanitation Inspection (pdf) (Rev. 02/11/2022)
- DOC 16-352 Outdoor Heat Exposure Awareness Training (pdf) (Rev. 3/12/2024)
17 Series Forms
- DOC 17-074 Disciplinary Hearing Appeal (pdf) (Rev. 05/16/2023)
- DOC 17-074ES Apelacion de Audiencia Disciplinaria (pdf) (Rev. 05/16/2023)
- DOC 17-086 Department Interpreter Authorization for General Infraction Hearings/Stipulated Agreement (pdf) (Rev. 08/04/2020)
- DOC 17-088 Disciplinary Hearing Audio Request Log (pdf) (Rev. 07/22/2022)
19 Series Forms
- DOC 19-084 Legal Copy/Indigent Postage/Scanning Request (pdf) (Rev. 10/06/2022)
20 Series Forms
- DOC 20-060 Visitor Application (Rev. 9/18/2024)
- DOC 20-073 Standard Rules (msword) (Rev. 6/19/2024)
- DOC 20-073ES Reglas Estándar (msword) (Rev. 6/19/2024)
- DOC 20-084 Social Outing Request and Responsibilities (pdf) (Rev. 04/18/2023)
- DOC 20-084S Peticion Y Responsabilidades De Una Excursion Social (pdf) (Rev. 04/18/2023)
- DOC 20-102 Schedule/Plan (pdf) (Rev. 10/10/2023)
- DOC 20-103 Job Search Pass (pdf) (Rev. 10/12/2023)
- DOC 20-155 Intake/Pre-Sentence Report Personal Information Sheet (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2023)
- DOC 20-155ES Ingreso/Informe Precondenatorio Hoja De Informacion (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2023)
- DOC 20-169 Reentry Center Sponsor Application (pdf) (Rev. 11/15/2021)
- DOC 20-171 Reentry Center Sponsor Interview/Orientation (pdf) (Rev. 11/15/2021)
- DOC 20-181 Minor Visitor Application (Rev. 04/2021)
- DOC 20-182 Government Designated Escort Application (Rev. 01/30/2025)
- DOC 20-213 Marriage/State Registered Domestic Partnership Application for Intended Spouse/State Registered Domestic Partner Use (pdf) (Rev. 08/31/2023)
- DOC 20-215 Marriage/State Registered Domestic Partnership Approval Release of Information (pdf) (Rev. 08/31/2023)
- DOC 20-215ES Matrimonio/Union Civil de Pareja Domestica Inscrita Aprobacion para la Revelacion de Informacion (pdf) (Rev. 08/31/2023)
- DOC 20-218 Marriage/State Registered Domestic Partnership Approval Routing (pdf) (Rev. 08/13/2020)
- DOC 20-219 Acknowledgment of DOC 590.200 Marriages and State Registered Domestic Partnerships (pdf) (Rev. 08/13/2020)
- DOC 20-219ES Matrimonio/Pareja Domestica Registrada en el Estado Aprobación de Divulgación de Información (pdf) (Rev. 08/13/2020)
- DOC 20-230 Record of Volunteer Services for Incarcerated Individual (pdf) (Rev. 12/28/2020)
- DOC 20-235 Work Program Assignment/Change/Termination (pdf) (Rev. 06/20/2023)
- DOC 20-279 Visitor Consent to Medical Treatment and Waiver of Liability(ms-word) (Rev. 3/20/2024)
- DOC 20-279ES Visitantes Consentimiento Para Tratamiento Médico y Renuncia de Responsabilidad(ms word) (Rev. 3/20/2024)
- DOC 20-305 Correspondence Study Request (MS Word) (Rev. 10/02/2024)
- DOC 20-305ES Solicitud Para Tomar Cursos Por Correspondencia (pdf) (Rev. 12/04/2020)
- DOC 20-309 Correspondence Education College Provider/Student Agreement (MS Word) (Rev. 10/02/2024)
- DOC 20-329 Residential Parenting Program Community Visit Authorization (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2020)
- DOC 20-332 Residential Parenting Program Participant Application (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2020)
- DOC 20-336 Residential Parenting Program Emergency Caregiver Application (pdf) (Rev. 07/17/2020)
- DOC 20-414 Intake Questionnaire (pdf) (Rev. 09/01/2022)
- DOC 20-414ES Cuestionario de Ingreso (pdf) (Rev. 09/01/2022)
- DOC 20-431ES Food Services Training Record - E/S (Registro De Entrenamiento De Servicios De Comida) (pdf) (Rev. 05/23/2019)
- DOC 20-440 Native American Heritage Questionnaire (pdf) (Rev. 9/28/2023)
- DOC 20-441 Parent/Guardian Consent for Minor Visit and/or Escort(ms word) (Rev. 3/7/2024)
- DOC 20-441ES Permiso del Padre/Guardian Legal para Visita de Un Menor y/o Acompañante (ms word) (Rev. 3/7/2024)
- DOC 20-450 Approval for Visits by Current/Former Employee, Contract Staff, or Volunteer (pdf) (Rev. 1/4/2023)
21 Series Forms
- DOC 21-139ES Property Disposition - E/S (Disposicion De Propieded) (pdf) (Rev. 12/21/2023)
- DOC 21-141 Property Appeal (pdf) (Rev. 9/1/2023)
- DOC 21-148 Extended Family Visit Property Waiver (pdf) (Rev. 10/01/2020)
- DOC 21-379ES Report of Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Allegation to an Outside Agency (pdf) (Rev. 04/19/2023)
- DOC 21-415 Extended Family Visit Application/Acknowledgment (Rev. 1/14/2025)
- DOC 21-421ES Prison Telephone Use Acknowledgment (pdf) (Rev. 05/16/2022)
- DOC 21-473ES Kite - E/S (Kite) (pdf) (Rev. 12/31/2023)
- DOC 21-503 Special Escorted Leave Reimbursement Request (pdf) (Rev. 01/06/2023)
- DOC 21-565 Hazard Communication Label and Safety Data Sheet Training (pdf) (Rev. 07/10/2020)
- DOC 21-566 Security Concerns/Suggestions (pdf) (Rev. 06/26/2019)
- DOC 21-572 Request for Inter-Facility Telephone Communication (pdf) (Rev. 03/01/2023)
- DOC 21-660 Off-Site Work Crew Security Audit (pdf) (Rev. 07/03/2024)
- DOC 21-662 PREA Database Access Confidentiality Agreement (pdf) (Rev. 01/27/2022)
- DOC 21-754ES Telephone Action (pdf) (Rev. 05/16/2022)
- DOC 21-757 Publication Rejection Appeal (pdf) (Rev. 12/31/2023)
- DOC 21-757ES Apelación De Una Publicación Rechazada (pdf) (Rev. 12/31/2023)
- DOC 21-761 Prohibited Contact Review (pdf) (Rev. 04/25/2022)
- DOC 21-787 Special Visit Request (pdf) (Rev. 8/30/2023)
- DOC 21-787ES Peticion Para Una Visita Especial (pdf) (Rev. 8/30/2023)
- DOC 21-964 Reentry Community Services Program Transition Plan (pdf) (Rev. 08/20/2021)
- DOC 21-966 Donation Approval Request (pdf) (Rev. 06/22/2022)
- DOC 21-992 Prison Orientation Checklist (pdf) (Rev. 12/27/2021)
- DOC 21-992ES Lista de Temas de la Orientacion en Prisión (pdf) (Rev. 12/27/2021)